Hello,My name is Rodanyel im one of the developers of this Tik Tok manual,our purpose about creating this website you to be the best influencer of Tik Tok :].
We made this website because there alot of people that don't know how to use tik tok so me and my teamates started work on this website for them not to stay behind and get famous on tik tok.
Hello,My name is luz im one of the developers of this Tik Tok manual.I made the Tik tok account part and My favorite thing of coding is adding text,video,and images.
the reason i wanted to be a creator of website is to people learn hoe to use tik tok.
Hello,my name is xavier im the TA of the developers of the website.I wanted to help the developers of the website Beacuse i wanted to them fell the expirience of how to make a wabsite.
Hello my name is adeilya im one of the developers of this Tik Tok manua.i Worked on Tik Tok videoof this website and
my reason to be in this tik tok manual is that i want to teach people how to use tik tok.